Council of Europe

Council of Europe

The Civil Law Conventions Against Corruption
This treaty entered into force on the first November 2003. It is the first Convention which lays down rules so that persons who have suffered damage though practices of corruption can defend their rights and even obtain compensation. The Convention covers state liability for acts committed by public officials, the validity of contracts, the protection of employees who report corruption, the accuracy of accounts and international co-operation. The Group of States against Corruption monitor whether the contracting parties are abiding by their international commitments.

Full Text of the Convention
List of Signatures and Ratifications

Criminal Law Convention on Corruption
This is Council of Europe Convention Number 173. It co-ordinates the criminalization of a large number of corrupt practices and includes articles on international co-operation in the prosecution of corruption offences. It also, covers, besides other subjects, the active and passive bribery of national and foreign parliamentarians, of international civil servants, of domestic, foreign and international judges, active and passive bribery in the private sector, trading in influence, accounting offences, The Convention also requires States to set up specialized anti-corruption bodies and to give protection to persons collaborating with prosecuting authorities. The proceeds of corruption must also be confiscated and States must provide mutual assistance and information and, if there is a need, to extradite persons.

The Convention
List of States who Signed or Ratified this Convention